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About Me

I began with needlepoint on plastic canvas (thank you Aunt Arlys!) more than 10 years ago, making anything I could think up – I had (and still do) so much fun with it! In 2014, I learned how to crochet, and started this blog to use as a journal, and share my notes and thoughts with other makers. It has grown quite a lot, and now I dabble in just about everything, but my favorites are crocheting, plastic canvas, jewelry making and baking.
Blogging and crafting are my true passion, and I’m so thankful that I have been able to make a career out of it!
In this blog, you’ll find me. Great things, bad things, mistakes, tips, suggestions, and whatever else I can think of both in life, and in crafting.
You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Etsy, Ravelry, LoveCrafts.
And check out my DIY/Lifestyle Blog, On Rockwood Lane, and my other crochet blog that focuses on wearables and accessories, Cre8tion Crochet.
Meet Candace!

Hi, I’m Candace, and I have been crocheting since 2015. I grew up working in my family’s flower shop, and learned floral design and other crafts from my mom at an early age. When I was about 10, a family friend tried to teach me to knit, but it never stuck. I focused mostly on sewing, loom knitting, latch hook, plastic canvas, and other crafts for years. I love to make things for others, and I eventually decided that I wanted to be able to make some crochet items for my family and friends. None of my close family members crocheted, so I watched quite a few YouTube videos and tried some simple patterns. After lots and lots of practice these past years, I now not only make handmade items for my own kids and other family and friends, but I also have an Etsy shop to share my finished pieces with those in search of handmade items for kiddos and their mommas.
Candace is the maker behind T & C Crafters. Visit her on Instagram for crochet inspiration, or on Facebook, and don’t forget to check out her blog!
See all the awesome projects Candace has shared here on EyeLoveKnots!
Meet Jessica!

Hi! I’m Jessica. I have been crocheting for over 10 years. My grandma had given me her crochet hooks and one summer day, I decided I wanted to learn to crochet (I had already tried my hand at knitting and failed miserably!). I hopped onto YouTube and sat for hours learning how to slip knot, chain and single crochet. That Christmas, everyone got either a crocheted scarf or hat! That was it; I had fallen in love with crochet and I have done it nearly every day ever since
Jessica is the maker behind Nice and Knotty. Visit her on Instagram for crochet inspiration, or on Facebook!
See all the awesome projects Jessica has shared here on EyeLoveKnots!
Meet Abby!

My name is Abby, and I’ve been crocheting since about 2012. My mother was crocheting dishcloths for gifts that Christmas, and she taught me how to single crochet so I could help her finish. She unknowingly created an addiction and I haven’t stopped since! I love color, and texture, and finding new ways to play around with yarn. Crochet has given me an outlet for creativity I never thought I had, and has also shown me a wonderful world filled with friends.
Abby is the maker behind A Stitch Shy of Normal. Visit her on Instagram for crochet inspiration! Or check out her blog, where she says free crochet patterns & yarn reviews.
See all the awesome projects Abby has shared here on EyeLoveKnots!
Meet Maggie!

Hi, my name is Maggie. I am a small fiber arts business owner and homeschooling mom of three who loves Jesus, coffee, and all things yarn. When I am not busy running my business, I enjoy spending time with my family and volunteering with our church and local organizations. My perfect day would be to stop at my local coffee shop and then head to my three favorite stores: Hobby Lobby, TJ Max and Home Goods.
Maggie is the maker behind Crochet Happens. Visit her on Instagram for crochet inspiration, or on Facebook! Or check out her Etsy Shop for some great handmade items
See all the awesome projects Maggie has shared here on EyeLoveKnots!
About EyeLoveKnots

EyeLoveKnots was named in honor of some family members of mine that are affected by Retinoblastoma, cancer of one or both eyes, and often first occurs in young children. There are approximately 350 new diagnosed cases per year in the US and affect about one in every 15,000 births. Although children may be born with retinoblastoma, it is rarely diagnosed at birth. As a rapidly growing cancer, studies of the bones, bone marrow and spinal fluid are also performed upon discovery. If the tumor is contained within the eye, more than 95% of patients can be cured. For those children with tumors in both eyes, close to 70-80% of the eyes can be saved, although many of them need radiation therapy, or possibly even chemotherapy.
I grew up very close to my cousin Tiffany who was one of five children but the only that had retinoblastoma. Now I won’t go into details other then she has a glass eye (due to having to get one eye removed) and only peripheral vision in her other eye (due to a large now non-active tumor). She grew up like the rest of us though and as a young person I never really understood what she faced. She went to karate and received her black belt alongside of me, rode a bike, could take the bus anywhere, went to school and held a job among other things, only with a few more doctor appointments than the rest of us. It wasn’t until she had her first child that I really learned about this retinoblastoma.
Her children had a chance to be born without it completely, with a not-so aggressive case of it, or a very aggressive case. No one could say one way, or the other prior to the children being born.
One had a not-so aggressive case being that after minor laser surgeries, there has not been any activity, and vision won’t be affected much. The other, however, was born with a rather large tumor in one of the eyes, and very short after birth had to begin chemo. It’s since being stabilized. One eye has full vision, and the other has peripheral vision (due to a large in-active tumor).
Please consider donating to the National Retinoblastoma Research & Support Foundation headed by Dr. Timothy Murray. Dr. Murray is “recognized in Top Doctors in America, Top Doctors in Florida, and Top Cancer Doctors in America”, according to the American Society of Retina Specialists. He is truly a gift and has been a big part of my family’s lives for almost 30 years!
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