Shared Left to Right, Top to Bottom: I am going to be gathering up all of my finished projects, and head out to a local flea market this month to begin my journey into storefront sales. I am really excited to start and see where it takes me, plus it opens the doors to future… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: KBB Crafts
Yarn Fanatic Party #46 – NeverEnoughThymeYarn Giveaway!
Welcome to the 46th Yarn Fanatic Link Party, and my 29th as co-host, alongside Rachel from The Philosopher’s Wife. **This link up will last through Sunday, August 23rd at 6:00pm EST. The giveaway will also last through this time. We encourage you to come back daily for a new chance at earning more entries, and continuing… Read more
Yarn Fanatic Party #42 – Let’s Have Some Yarny Fun!
Welcome to the 42nd Yarn Fanatic Link Party, and my 25th as co-host, alongside Rachel from The Philosopher’s Wife. This week I have been busy working, but haven’t been doing much on my computer. I have a full week for you though. You can expect: Wednesday – Some photos from my most recent trip on Living… Read more