How to crochet a lacy crop tank top, word of the month: breathe, how to style a blush knit tee, how to mix match salt and pepper shakers and navy dining room ideas for Spring.

Welcome to the Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 348!

This week, one of my fabulous contributors, Abby of A Stitch Shy of Normal, shared her crochet pattern review for this Slanted Granny V-Neck Pullover. I am a big lover of the granny stitch and 3/4 length sleeves. Added this top to my ever-growing list of things I would like to make.

And I shared a free crochet pattern for my Lightweight Veronica Infinity Scarf. And if you don’t like infinity scarves, it’s so easy to make it into a regular scarf too! 4 sizes included.

Color Street Restock for Today is Beijing Beauty which is a gorgeous, deep, classic red that pairs with just about everything! Shop HERE.

Please follow your hosts on one or more social media platforms. We’d love to connect! Let us know you’re following from the party. We’d love to follow you back!
Each hostess chooses her own features, so be sure to stop by for a visit!
Beverly and Gloria – Across the Blvd
(Blog / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Staci – Two Chicks and a Mom
(Blog / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
T’onna – Sew Crafty Crochet
(Blog / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Alexandra – EyeLoveKnots (that’s me!)
Marie – Interior Frugalista

We’d love for you to add our party logo to your party page!

After you link up at the party, follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to [email protected] Please include a link to your Pinterest profile, as well as the name of your blog.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 348 Features

Features are pinned to our Party Board. Please pin from the original source.

Most Clicked – Navy Dining Room Ideas for Spring from Calypso in the Country

Eva Flower Top (Paid Crochet Pattern) from The Little Treasures

Word of the Month for August, Breathe from Debbie-Dabble Blog

Knit Cullum Tee (Knit Pattern Review) from Kiku Corner

Salt & Pepper Shaker Upcycle from Creative Moments

Have you been featured? Let others know by displaying our button your blog!
Party Guidelines

Thanks so much for choosing my post as one of your features!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face book and will also do so in my next post!!
Thanks so much for hosting each week and for your visit!!!! Stay safe, healthy, happy!!
I’m sharing my newest post, #12 Thrifty Party Decor. Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Thank you so much for featuring my top Alexandra! Immensely grateful! Wishing you a blessed Sunday evening!