If you are looking for the perfect baby shower gift for a woodland themed nursery, this baby fox is too cute not to make! The pattern was so easy to follow with helpful photos and notes along the way, and he has the cutest little tail!
Viewing posts tagged with: Fox
DIY Fox Ears Headband – Crochet Pattern Review
My first official project for the Fall season is this headband with cute little fox ears. As a bonus, one of my nieces loves all things fox so I thought this would be a great birthday gift for her.
Plastic Canvas Fox Earrings – Jewelry DIY & Free Plastic Canvas Pattern
I have wanted to share this earring tutorial since last Thursday but my job has really worn me out and I have gotten behind in my posts. I am going to try harder to preschedule my posts on the weekends. Before I go into the tutorial and pattern, make sure you check out my Cute… Read more