This week’s features include DIY holiday sheet music art, how to sew a Winter softie, how to make a cozy Winter tablescape, how to decorate a white Christmas tree and how to make cherry Oreo balls.
Viewing posts tagged with: Health Home and Heart
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 358
This week’s features include a VW inspired pumpkin, how to make a Fall floral centerpiece, how to make a loofa dog costume, how to make pumpkin cinnamon rolls and how to make a pirate wreath.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 341
Travel themed home, how to make a 4th of July tiered tray, how to make denim flowers, how to upcycle a flag, how to make a yarn wall hanging. This post contains affiliate links for Lion Brand Yarn and Annie’s Catalog. If you make a purchase by clicking on them, I make a small commission… Read more
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 340
How to hide a cat litter box, how to set a strawberry themed table, how to decorate a small porch, how to make s’mores brownies and how to redo a bathroom on a budget. Welcome to the Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 340! Please follow your hosts on one or more social media platforms…. Read more